Caunton holds a Steel Bricks Dissemination Day

We at Caunton have been working on a new development project for some time now. We are pioneering a new steel walling system that could radically alter the way numerous projects are built, including nuclear power stations. We are working alongside the Steel Construction Institute and a Glasgow-based modular walling system company.

The Government is backing the product with nearly £1M in funding from Innovate UK, the Technology Strategy Board.

We held a Dissemination Day on 9th November at our Caunton offices and on site, which is just behind our Secondary Steelwork premises. Over twenty professionals connected with nuclear power station building, and other heavy structures, attended the day.

Use of these factory-made steel bricks could pave the way for large sections of nuclear power stations to be built off-site. This would speed up construction, improve build quality and reduce project risk. We are delighted to be part of this exciting new venture.

If you want to learn more about what we are offering , SCI have produced a video of the system please use this link. click here
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